Saturday, August 1, 2009

Helter Skelter ?

When I see stories about Wayne Rathke the head and founder of ACORN I am puzzled. A white man at the head of a radical militant black group? Somewhere there was a story about a man that wanted to start a racial war. The blacks and people of color would take over the world. This story wasnt from any radical black militants, the nation of Islam, or the "New black panthers". He was a Hippee drifter and self proclaimed songwriter. He was the most influential and dangerous man of his time. He convinced people (The Family) to murder rich white people on his behalf in order to blame it on blacks and start a race war. Of course they would be too stupid to run the world and would come hat in hand to "Charlie" to tell them what to do. They would make him king.

I remember watching an interview with Geraldo Rivera and Charles Manson. "Charlie" gave Geraldo a lesson in spin and propaganda. Geraldo was way out of his league interviewing this guy. He is just a vagrant high school drop out and drifter hippie is probably what Geraldo thought, Geraldo underestimated him, for "Charlie" could take any fact or assertion and turn it to his favor and come out the victim of society and the establishment. Everyone was a victim and he was to blame for nothing. Is ACORN a "family" used by Wayne Rathke? Is there someone higher up the "Family" tree? I think the answers may come out if anyone in the media or in D.C. has the guts to shake the tree. This is a culture war in this country and they have created lots of so-called victims. Freedom loving Americans are off the couch and in the streets in defense of their Constitution. "Charlie" and his "Family of Nuts"(ACORN) must be stopped. This cannot become a race war. They want to make it a race war. They win only by claiming victim status. The words of the late Heath Ledger in the movie "The Patriot" have never rang more true "STAY TRUE TO THE CAUSE" defend the Constitution.


  1. Rob, It does seem puzzling until you consider 2 things: money and entitlement. It is my opinion that Acorn's members will follow anyone who has the money and spews the speak of increased government control and entitlements.

    I am thinking that grabbing power is not about color. It is about corruptness that runs through the very core and soul of a person.

  2. That is my point. Are they exploiting race to gain power? You bet they are! I have added to this blog thanks for the input

  3. Acorn (by that or any other name) will be a subversive force for many years to come.
