Friday, October 16, 2009

No social security increase?

The Washington post and every other media outlet makes the same omission when reporting on money from the government. The one fact that is never included is that these people are receiving their own money back that was confiscated from them and their paychecks for decades. The government is doing them no favors by allowing them to have some of their own money back. They never mention what happened to all the money these seniors have had to pay for decades to these programs that now they say are broke? Why are they broke? What happened to the Lock Box? Medicare is broke. What happened to all the money that the seniors payed for decades? I know what happened to the money. They spent it! Oh yeah they did! Remember government cannot give you anything unless they take it from you first or take it from someone else. Keep that in mind. The health care debate is about cutting seniors care and transferring it to union retirees. Now they don't want to give them a cost of living raise. The administration is trying to bribe seniors with their own money.

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