Sunday, April 5, 2009

Socialist not Liberals, Honest Labels count!

I think we have reached a critical time in our history. We can no longer afford the gray areas of tolerance and politically correct labels to disguise people for who they are and what they believe. Take every story that has been printed and reported in the media and replace the word "Liberal" or "Moderate" with the true meaning of the word SOCIALIST or COMMUNIST. With the true labels these people cannot sell their Socialist or Communist policies. It doesn't sound like anything anyone would want to vote for. "Sticks and stones" doesn't apply in politics. The labels do hurt them. That is why they have changed them.

My President, Ronald Reagan, knew this and warned of this SOCIALIST agenda. SOCIALISTS labeled them as a "progressive liberal" agenda with medicine and children used to enact these SOCIALIST policies. Our rights and freedoms have been eroding away as we stood by and did nothing. It is time for us to take a stand and stop using the word "Liberal" and "Moderate" which makes these people sound harmless and less of a threat. Call them what they are SOCIALISTS and COMMUNISTS. Let the media know that you will not accept these watered down labels. Let the conservative blogs know that we cannot continue to use the enemy's own labels. Call them what they are. Listen for the word FAIR, it is the favorite word of the SOCIALISTS and COMMUNISTS. Life is not fair. Competition is not fair. Everyone cannot win the race. This country was not built by those who didn't compete.

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