The last year has been trying times for the "GOP" as it searches for an identity. (They have their Identity they are just in denial). Electing Michael Steele as the head of the party over the best man for the job "Ken Blackwell". The new leaders of the "GOP" have been infiltrated by liberal democrats that will say and do anything to get elected. The governator for example. Michael Steele appears on news programs and proclaims that republicans need to get into the streets and win over voters. This liberal mindset is morally bankrupt. He should of said what he meant "We need to get the vote of Peggy the moocher and Henrietta Hughes and "Octomom".
Do people really wonder why Sarah Palin is paraded on TV with her morally bankrupt baby mamma daughter whom probably is receiving public assistance (Mooching). This Icon of the "GOP" allowed her daughter to drop out of school and go on national TV and hold herself up as an example for young girls. Sarah Palin exclaims " I am so proud of her" "We really didn't have trouble raising her,she always seemed to do what was right". Hey Sarah, getting pregnant at 17 and quitting school not the right thing to do. Mr Palin, just keep racing those snowmobiles.
Michael Steele continues to say that he needs to "get back to the streets." Why? Who is he looking for, homeless drug addicts? There are no conservatives on the streets. Conservatives are at work, making money so they can provide for their families; so they can pay their bills; so they can show their children how to survive in the working world. Conservatives are at home raising their children to be self-sufficient beings and teaching them moral values.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's what Gov. Palin should have done with her daughter Bristol. If Bristol had any morals, she wouldn't be on national television telling young girls that "abstinence is unrealistic." Abstinence is a moral choice. It's not birth control or a way for parents to "ruin" their children's social lives. When Bristol got pregnant, weren't there any red flags with the words MORALLY WRONG!! stamped on them waving around in her and her mother's heads? This inteview is a scripted farce. They keep taking the money and going on TV.